Summer HVAC Tips!! : Keys to Comfort: Navigating the Rental Journey with Hope Property Investments

Summer HVAC Tips!!

by Hope Property Investments on 06/25/24

As temperatures rise and we experience high heat indexes in Newnan and the surrounding areas, we want to ensure that you stay cool and comfortable in your homes.

Understanding HVAC Limitations in Extreme Heat:
During extreme heat, when the heat index reaches 100°F or higher, HVAC systems may struggle to maintain temperatures lower than 20°F below the outside temperature. This means that if the temperature outside is 100°F, your HVAC system may only be able to cool your home to around 80°F. If you notice your home temperature reaching 80-85°F during the hottest parts of the day but cooling down at night, this indicates that your unit is operating correctly but is under significant stress due to the extreme conditions.

Here are some helpful tips to get the best performance from your HVAC system during this hot spell:

1. Set Your Thermostat Efficiently: Keep your thermostat set at a consistent temperature. A setting of 78°F when you’re home and higher when you’re away can help maintain comfort without overworking your system. Turning your air down lower than 70°F when it’s hot outside is not recommended, as it will run constantly and will not reach that temperature any faster by setting it lower.

2. Close Curtains and Blinds: Blocking direct sunlight can significantly reduce the heat entering your home, helping your HVAC system work more efficiently.

3. Change Your Air Filters: Ensure that your air filters are clean. Dirty filters restrict airflow and can make your system work harder, leading to higher energy use and potential breakdowns. This is especially important if you have pets or excess dust in your home. Consider changing the filter more frequently to maintain proper airflow.

4. Clear Vents and Returns: Make sure that vents and return air ducts are not blocked by furniture or other items to allow for proper air circulation.

5. Keep Doors and Windows Closed: Reduce the amount of warm air entering your home by keeping doors and windows closed as much as possible.

6. Use Ceiling Fans: Use ceiling fans if you have them. If you do not, we recommend adding a room fan to help circulate the cool air more effectively, allowing you to feel cooler even at higher thermostat settings.

7. Check for Ice on Your AC Unit: If you notice that your AC unit outside has ice on it, you must turn the unit off to let it thaw. The unit cannot be repaired with ice on it and it will not work properly until the ice has melted.

By following these tips, you can help keep your home cool and your HVAC system running efficiently during these hot days. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our office.

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